What Can Cause Fluctuations in Water Pressure?
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    Pressure Regulating Valve Failure

    August 12, 2024

    Sudden changes in water pressure within your home can be quite befuddling and annoying. Sometimes, water will rush through at full force, while merely a stream seems possible at other points. If you observe these disparities, you should determine their reasons so you can solve the problem correctly. Below is a brief elaboration of the causes of fluctuating water pressure and what you can do about it.

    1. Air Trapped in Pipes

    What It Is:

    Stagnant water in pipes creates airlocks responsible for inconsistent water flow and sputtering. This means that water flow is more ‘jittery’ or fluctuating pressure whenever air is trapped in the pipe.


    • Water pressure rises and falls suddenly.
    • The water flow might appear disrupted, irregular, or intermittent from the taps of pipes experiencing this problem.


    • Leaking Suction Line: Air can generally get into the system through a crack in a suction line.
    • Damaged Tank Bladders: The bladders can easily get wrecked in well systems, creating an air-water concomitance.
    • Faulty Pump: This can be caused by a malfunctioning pump that allows air to infiltrate the system.
    • Pipeline Leaks: It is also possible for air to enter the pipeline through the leakage or leak detection services can help identify and address such issues effectively.


    • Bleed the Pipes: You can usually release the air by turning the faucets on to their maximum to ‘expel’ the air.
    • Inspect the System: If possible, look for signs of leakage or damage to some of the parts of the system. If you suspect the problem is rooted in a faulty pump or a tank bladder, it is advisable to seek help from an expert.

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    2. Pressure Regulating Valve Failure

    What It Is:

    Typically, the pressure regulating valve (PRV) is a device that regulates and manages water pressure supplied to your home. It is meant to reduce high mains pressure to a level suitable for the plumbing system.


    • The fluctuating water pressure in the pipes or a single rapid change in pressure could be a sign of the presence of this problem.
    • Variations of high and low blood pressure.


    • Malfunction or Damage: PRVs can fail due to fatigue, improper installation, or some valve deterioration.


    • Test the Valve: This can be done by using the test lever, which is located on the valve, and lifting and lowering it. Sometimes the pressure doesn’t stabilize, or the valve feels off and may require adjustment or change.
    • Professional Inspection: If you are in doubt regarding the health of the valve or the correct procedure for putting the valve under test, the best thing to do is to consult a plumber to check and have the valve serviced.

    3. Clogged or Old Pipes

    What It Is:

    The older pipes or pipes with internal blockage can slow down the water flow and lead to a change in water pressure. After some years of usage, debris, rust, and deposition of minerals might minimize the actual internal diameter of the used pipes.


    • Variations in water pressure between the kitchen and the bathroom or between morning and night.
    • Lack of adequate flow from the faucets and showers.


    • Debris and Build-Up: Over the years, pipelines may get blocked with deposits formed by minerals and debris that accumulate within the pipe.
    • Pipe Age: Old pipes might clog up due to corrosion and this is especially true when they are made of some specific materials such as galvanized steel.


    • Inspect and Clean: Contact professional plumbers and let them assess the condition of your pipes. They can then use cleaning or employ hydro-jetting to clear the blockage.
    • Pipe Replacement: If the pipes have worn out and are corroded, upgrading them might be advisable to provide better water pressure.

    Municipal Water Supply Issues

    4. Municipal Water Supply Issues

    What It Is:

    Variations in water pressure can also be attributed to problems with the municipal water supply system. Your home’s water pressure can be affected by main water supply line issues or changes in water distribution service.

    • Pressure issues take place at times such as during roadworks or construction.
    • These pressure drops occur at a particular time of the day.


    • Leaks or Damage: Any disruptions in the municipal supply line your home receives affect your home’s pressure.
    • High Demand: Pressure can drop due to frequent usage as in the case of droughts or massive operations via fire hydrants.


    • Contact Authorities: Consult your water authorities for more information and remedies if municipal problems are causing low pressure.
    • Check Supply Schedule: This is important because there are sometimes specific intervals like maintenance periods or particular times when many people use water due to low water pressure.

    5. High Usage on the Same Line

    What It Is:

    Neighbors or other properties which use large quantities of water may also lead to changes in water pressure. Some chores like filling up a pool or doing a lot of lawn work will likely change the pressure on your supply lines.


    • Pressure changes occur at the time when people use lots of water in your neighborhood.
    • Fluctuations in pressure at a certain point in the day.


    • Shared Supply Lines: High demand on a shared line can sometimes lessen pressure for all users.


    • Monitor Usage: Stay informed about water usage activities in your area.
    • Consult with Neighbors: Coordination on water use with neighbors could help to alleviate pressure.

    If water pressure is low and changes periodically, this may be due to factors such as air in the pipe, difficulties in municipal supplies, or hundreds of other reasons. The following are potential causes and by addressing them, you are assured of fixing the problem to make water pressure in your home standard again.

    In cases where the problem persists, or you are in doubt about the issue, then it is advisable to call a professional plumber. Our professionals at Magnificent Plumbing can conduct the inspection and get you a proper solution for controlling the pressure system to have steady water pressure.

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